Tuesday, 19 August 2008

ID cards

Anyone noticed how the subject of the ID card system seems to have fallen out of the public eye lately? Here an article makes an extrapolation on the increase in chip and pin cards, and their relation to the National Identity card of ill fame.

2010 - A must read!!
This is an article about databases, (dozens of them), ID cards, surveillance, rights, liberty and social conditioning through state sponsored propaganda. It all comes together in 2010.

Imagine for a moment, that both the Government (NuLab) and the main opposition parties were all working together to the same ends, with either tacit support or complicity on the march towards 2010, because we don't see any official opposition to it.

Lets look at some evidence to support that theory. I want to make clear at this point that in quoting senior Nazi's in this article, is not to suggest that Brown's government is forming a Nazi government, but to show that he is using the same methods and tactics employed by 1930's Germany in order to achieve his goals.

In the modern context, if we begin from the basis that the War on Terror* is the Big Lie.

Then the continual news media bombardment for 10 years of the terror threat, high profile media frenzy arrests, spurious ministerial announcements, Home Office and Police leaks to the press, demonisation of young Muslims in much the same way that Stalin and Hitler used the lie of external enemies to secure their totalitarian regimes, we see that everything that has happened by way of legislation over the past 10 years has supposedly been driven by that lie. Big Lie is a propaganda technique in which the lie is so complex that the public will either dismiss it as impossible or choose not to believe it out of wilful ignorance. It was defined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf as a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously".

Indeed, the American Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile said: His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

If you believe as I do that this perfectly sums up UK Government over the past 10 years, then read on.

26,000 new laws, 3000 new criminal offences to stop what has been at best a very sporadic ineffective onslaught of terrorism in the UK. Virtually none of these new laws have been opposed during their passage through parliament. One can only therefore assume a degree of collusion in their passing through the house, as I cannot believe that opposition MP's were unaware of their content, implied and actual denial of freedoms and rights, nor struggled for any input into ensuring that many of the more draconian laws had safeguards built in to ensure they were never misused.

It is true that during this period, the Government have enjoyed a majority in Parliament, but that does not defer from my thoughts of collusion. Indeed it was a Tory ex whip who introduced the most damming legislation to silence those who want to know what is happening with his Freedom of Information amendment bill.

In order to maintain the lie, not only do you need to keep repeating it, but you also need to offer carrots from time to time, to ensure that the population believes that you are actually working for their benefit.

One of those smoke and mirror exercises was the expendable introduction of the Regional Assemblies throughout England. Although initially opposed, and in the pilot areas voted down, they were implemented at huge cost anyway, knowing that this would attract a good deal of public opposition, including token opposition from the Tories and Liberals. Finally you give the public what it wants by abolishing them, only to give the powers to the unelected RDA's, which had been set up quietly in the background. Joe Public never having been told about RDA's, they not getting any state approved media coverage, doesn't see them as a waste or unnecessary regulation body in the same way as the Regional Assemblies, and being satisfied that the Assemblies are now gone, doesn't realise that the powers that they wielded have not.

The carefully controlled media highlighted the abolition of the RA's, but gave little or no coverage to the RDA's.Smoke and Mirrors, job done.We have seen for a whole raft of Government projects with initial explanations and justifications, changes to those as campaigns were launched, changes again to suit the stories of the day, as the costs keep mounting and the juggernaut keeps rolling on.One of the largest of these projects is ID Cards. Again, this is a smoke and mirror exercise.

This project has attracted a good deal of public opposition, but so far we have only token political opposition from the Tories, who have promised to scrap the cards, and none from the Liberals. We unfortunately have not seen the same commitment for the underlying databases. In keeping with the Big Lie process, ID Cards are attracting a lot of interest. The costs keep mounting, the technology is unproven, the orders have not yet been placed. These are the headlines, but in the background lots of work has been going on, with the databases, but not the big single big brother database, something much worse, little brothers. The huge databases at the DWP, the DVLA and HMRC are to be linked to form the NIR, the National Identity Register. This is why the Gateway reviews on the ID Card project, and others, were ordered destroyed by the Treasury, and this is why the majority of the contractors working for the IT Consulting groups working on these projects are from the Indian sub continent. With the large part of the work now done, the rules for the Highly Skilled Migrant programme that brought those contractors here are now being changed, to force them home again. The Treasury and Gordon Brown need to hide the secretive nature of the work being undertaken until 2010.

The Cards themselves are expendable, just as the Regional Assemblies were, something to attract public opposition, backed by the token political opposition, but they are just the front end, they are politically expendable, thereby giving something back to the public when they are scrapped.Understand that it not the cards themselves that matter to this government, but the ability to gather, collate and use information. Information about you, your families, your possessions and income, in fact everything about your life, now and in the past. Information as any ex Stasi or KGB man will tell you, is power.

It will become apparent a little later why ID Cards are a smoke and mirror exercise.

In the years 2009 and 2010 all the major government IT projects will see the completion of some, and limited roll out of others but they all come together in 2010.

The ID cards 2009, (will come back to this)
The National Identity Register 2010,
Immigration Passport Service interrogation centres 2009,
The upgraded National DNA Database 2010,
The upgraded National Fingerprint Database 2009,
The Children's Fingerprint Database 2009,
The upgraded Police National Computer 2009,
All e-Passports 2009,
The National Number Plate Recognition System project 2009,
Employment systems 2009,
The enhanced Police National Computer/Interpol link system 2009,
MI5's Scope project 2010,
The Home Office C-Nomis project 2009,
The Children's Register Contactpoint 2009,
Terminal 5 at Heathrow 2009,
Phase II Home Information PackS 2010,
The e-borders system 2009,
The DWP Customer Information system 2009,
The NHS NPfIT 2010,
The European SEPA (Single European Payment Area) project 2009/2010

and many more unnamed or secret projects

This all happens at the same time as the final ratification of the European Constitution 2009, just before the European Parliament Elections 2009

Changes to the law to allow data sharing have made it possible for it all to come together in 2009/2010 to become one huge interactive database system. In 2010 it also joins up with the European systems.

Government have consistently argued their case that these system are necessary to fight crime, or terrorism, your right to employment and health care etc, and that the data will only be used for the initial purpose it is collected for, would never be shared, and that data one one system can never be used elsewhere.

On a one project at a time basis its easy to argue the lie, link them all together it is not so easy, and its use becomes much clearer. By linking these databases government now have a profile of you. Where you work, how much you earn, tax you pay, where you travel, how you travel, when you get sick, which doctor or hospital you use, what medication you receive, in short, what you cost to run vs what you earn for the state.

A modern day Europe wide electronic 'Doomsday Book'.

All the trappings of a totalitarian state.As Dizzy quite rightly elaborates:

What's important to point out here is this is not about saying you think Gordon Brown and the Labour Government are secretly trying to enslave us all in an Orwellian nightmare with the ultimate aim of destroying democracy. No, this is about asking whether the proposal passes the Stalin Test. Would someone like Stalin have found a system like this useful?

Just because today's politicians are not, or at least appear not to be, maniacal megalomaniacs, it does not mean that there won't be one in the future, and frankly it is naive to think that it can't happen. This means we should be exceptionally careful when we build the infrastructure of state that could so be easily used for purposes of political oppression.

And as one commenter in the Times stated:

I wondered how such gross authoritarian abuses could be coming about in modern Britain but then I looked up my MP. Lo and behold it turns out she received a Scottish West coast Catholic education, became a teacher and is now a minister in the Department of Work & Pensions. I particularly note that her 'other interests' include studying the social system of the former East Germany. Suddenly it all becomes depressingly clear. Jim, Cumbernauld.

Now I come back to the ID cards, the smoke and mirrors that this government is planning to employ. YES, they will scrap them, but only as they are presented to us now, so the anti card campaigns will wither and die on the vine, the Tories will be cock a hoop and say we won the argument for you.

Now look at your bank and credit cards. Then look at your families cards, and your friends and colleagues cards. They all expire in 2009 or 2010.

Government problems with the ID cards as presented are well documented, with their lack of expertise, so who better to issue and administer an ID card system for government, than the Banks.

When your bank and credit cards expire, in order to get new ones, or in fact any banking or financial services, you must first be on all the relevant databases or you will be denied the use of both government and financial services throughout Europe. The European SEPA project is looking for total harmonisation of electronic banking throughout Europe by 2010, but in the UK bank and bank issued credit cards will also double up as your ID Card. This had been agreed between banks and Treasury as far back as 2004, in conjunction with the National Smart Cards Project. (very quiet and low key)

When the new cards are introduced you won't be able to buy, rent or sell a house; buy, sell or lease a car; open a bank account or draw over £99 in cash from one; obtain a telephone landline, mobile phone or internet connection, visit a doctor, a hospital or buy anything at a pharmacy; or obtain a passport, without first obtaining permission via the ID card element.

You won't be able to get a job, temporary or permanent, as employers will demand them as they have to prove they are only employing eligible people, without first obtaining permission via the ID card element..

Further, the Home Secretary will be able to suspend or revoke your ID card whenever, for whatever reason, without any judicial oversight or right to appeal. It will become your provisional licence to live in the U.K., whether native or alien, which could be taken away at any time.

The consequences of this are clear. No bank card = no ID Card. No ID Card means no banking, no work, no benefits, no nothing.

That means you cannot pay bills, or your mortgage, run your car or travel. (the first iteration is being field tested now)

The number of debts that will mount as a result will be horrific. Government have already changed the law to allow debt collectors right of entry into your home without court orders.

The number of repossessions will rise dramatically as mortgages default, again the laws have been changed to make it easier to repossess, and as the number of dispossessed people rises, crime will also rise (which is why they wanted the cards and databases), so the numerous laws and new criminal offences are already in place to tackle that.

If the numbers and public anger gets out of hand, and people organise and riot, the laws are already in place for that too, with SOCA being able to act outside of judicial oversight, especially if rioters are reclassified as social terrorists, which is why they have been pushing for the 90 days internment so strongly. The new EU paramilitary police force European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) could also be used.

HIPS was introduced to ensure that there would be a database of all the homes in the UK. In order to buy loyalty, just as Hitler and Stalin did, giving repossessed homes to loyal party workers fulfilled their needs.

We were warned many years ago that the peoples of the western world would soon be herded, chipped and classified, and that it would all be run by governments and the banks. As part of the Big Lie it has always been fobbed off as conspiracy theory, a joke, ideas of the nutters. Somehow it doesn't seem so stupid now.

Now we have proof that credit cards are to be used for people tracking.

Those 26,000 new laws were never aimed at terrorists, they are aimed at you.!!

And don't expect the Tories or Liberals to help us out of this. Instead, ask the question why so many opposition front bencher's have got second jobs, most with financial institutions and banks.

But, I hear you cry, I haven't seen that on the telly. Would you honestly expect them to tell you that you are about to lose everything by using the biggest lie in the world, along with the distraction of the Global Warming scam.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”- Joseph Goebbels

The other vital part of the Big Lie, the key component, was to ensure that the military was kept fully occupied, at full stretch and out of the UK during the entire time that this lie was being perpetrated.

So 2010 is the date that everything is coming together, and if you were thinking of getting out, moving to sunnier climes, think again because this not just happening in the UK, but also in Brussels, (strangely this database is now almost devoid of the hundreds of working papers that populated it only 3 months ago) in Paris, (French entry missing) Berlin,(Germany's ID Card documentation is also missing), Rome, (and Italy and Belgium) Strasbourg, in Washington, in Montreal, in Delhi, Canberra and Tokyo.

They are all working together towards a brave new world, beginning in 2010.

Same time as the North American Union or Mexamericanada


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